Sadie Bills is an interdisciplinary artist, writer, and educator. Her work contemplates connection and belonging between self and environment through care-full embodied practices such as sewing, weaving, printmaking, bookbinding, gardening, and cooking. Sadie recently completed her MA in Art Education at NSCAD University where she reimagined the outcomes of conventional art instruction and explored the potential of community-based art education as a site for radical collectivity and togetherness. Her research looks for connections between socially engaged art practices, experiential learning pedagogies, environmental justice, and facilitation techniques, which she recently applied to a workshop series called Art Picnic at The Deanery Project, NS (Summer 2021).

As an arts educator, Sadie is intersted in processes of discovery, curiosity, and exploration. She believes in co-creating responsive subject material with students and that the arts create unique opportunties for collectivity and growth. Sadie is especially excited by ecological and socially-engaged projects that foster sensitivity to others, to the environment, and to materials. She works to prioritize sustainability and creative re-use in all of her creative and educational work. Sadie brings care, patience, and compassion to every interaction with students and is committed to increasing access to the arts through social and transformative justice work. 

Sadie received her BA from Sarah Lawrence College in 2015 with a concentration in visual art and creative writing, and has since participated in weaving workshops at the Rhode Island School of Design and The Gaelic College. She has taught in a variety of community and school-day settings in the US and Canada. Sadie was born in New York City, grew up in Northern California, and currently lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

© Sadie Bills